Kubectl Hooks

Hook Generator

To generator a starter hook:

$ kubes new hook kubectl
      create  .kubes/config/hooks/kubectl.rb

You can use hooks to run scripts at any part of the kubectl commands. Here’s an example of running a script before and after the kubectl apply command for the web/deployment resource.


  on: "web/deployment",
  execute: "echo 'before apply hook test'",

  on: "web/deployment",
  execute: "echo 'after delete hook test'",

on option

The on option is important. If it is not set, then the hook script will run on every kubectl command. So given this hook definition:

  # Note how the on option is not set
  execute: "echo 'before apply hook test'",

With these resource definition files:


The hook script will run 3 times.

$ kubes apply
# before apply hook test <= HERE 1
=> kubectl apply -f .kubes/output/shared/namespace.yaml
# before apply hook test <= HERE 2
=> kubectl apply -f .kubes/output/web/service.yaml
# before apply hook test <= HERE 3
=> kubectl apply -f .kubes/output/web/deployment.yaml

This is probably not what you want. So it is important to use the on option to scope when to run your hook like so:

  on: "web/deployment",
  execute: "echo 'before apply hook test'",

The hook script will run 1 time for the .kubes/resources/web/deployment.yaml:

$ kubes apply
=> kubectl apply -f .kubes/output/shared/namespace.yaml
=> kubectl apply -f .kubes/output/web/service.yaml
# before apply hook test <= HERE
=> kubectl apply -f .kubes/output/web/deployment.yaml

The on option is used to match the path the gets applied: .kubes/resources/web/deployment.yaml

exit on fail

By default, if the hook commands fail, then kubes will exit with the original hook error code. You can change this behavior with the exit_on_fail option.

  on: "web/deployment",
  execute: "/command/will/fail/but/will/continue",
  exit_on_fail: false,

General Form


The command name corresponds to the kubectl commands: apply, delete, etc.

Hook Options

Name Description
label A human-friendly label so you can see what hooks is being run.
execute The script or command to run. IE: path/to/some/script.sh
exit_on_fail Whether or not to continue process if the script returns an failed exit code.
on What resource to run the hook on. IE: shared/namespace, web/deployment, web/service. Note: This option is only used by kubectl hooks.

Ruby Hooks

Instead of using a script for the hook execute option, you can also use a Ruby object. This provides some more control over the current process. See: Ruby Hooks