Auto Context

Kubes supports automatically switching the kubectl context based on the KUBES_ENV. Since Kubernetes contexts are composed of three things: cluster, namespace, and user; this feature allows you to target any of them on a per KUBES_ENV basis.

Auto Context

The dev and prod environments can use different kubectl contexts based on what is configured by the Kubes config.rb:

Kubes.configure do |config|
  config.kubectl.context = "..."
  # config.kubectl.context_keep = true # keep the context after switching

You can override configs on a per-env basis with config/env files. Examples:


Kubes.configure do |config|
  config.repo = ""
  config.kubectl.context = "dev-cluster"


Kubes.configure do |config|
  config.repo = ""
  config.kubectl.context = "prod-cluster"


With this setup, when you deploy with kubes, it will automatically switch the kubectl context based on KUBES_ENV. Example:

KUBES_ENV=dev  kubes deploy # to dev-cluster context
KUBES_ENV=prod kubes deploy # to prod-cluster context

context_keep Option

Setting context_keep=true option means after the context it switched, it stays switched. If context_keep=false, then Kubes will switch back to the previous context.