Kubes Structure

Here’s what a .kubes folder structure can look like this:

├── config
│   ├── docker
│   │   ├── args.rb
│   │   └── hooks.rb
│   ├── env
│   │   ├── dev.rb
│   │   └── prod.rb
│   └── kubectl
│       ├── args.rb
│       └── hooks.rb
├── config.rb
├── output
├── resources
│   ├── base
│   │   └── all.yaml
│   ├── clock
│   │   └── deployment.yaml
│   ├── shared
│   │   ├── config_map.yaml
│   │   └── secret.yaml
│   ├── web
│   │   ├── deployment.yaml
│   │   └── service.yaml
│   └── worker
│       └── deployment.yaml
└── state
Name Description
config The config folder can be used to configure behavior of Kubes. The docker config is used to customize the docker command. The env config is used to override config.rb settings on a KUBES_ENV basis. The kubectl config is used to customize the kubectl command.
config.rb The main thing to configure here is the repo to push the docker image to.
output Where kubes builds and writes the Kubernetes YAML to.
resources Where you define your Kubernetes resources.
resources/base The base folder is processed first and can be used to define common fields and resources. Learn more on the Layering Docs.
resources/shared The shared folder is where you can put shared resources. This folder gets applied first. More info: Ordering.
state Temporary state info that stores the built Docker image name.