Cluster Setup

You’ll need a Kubernetes cluster and a Docker repo to be able to push to. Setting up a Kubernetes cluster is a little bit out scope for this tutorial. We’ll provide the docs and links though. We’ll provide instructions for AWS and Google.

AWS: Create an EKS cluster

Here are the AWS docs to create an EKS cluster:

AWS: Create an ECR Repo

Here are the AWS docs to create a repo:

Here are also the commands to create an ECR repo:

aws ecr create-repository --repository-name demo
REPO=$(aws ecr describe-repositories --repository-name demo | jq -r '.repositories[].repositoryUri')

We’ll be using the $REPO variable for the rest of the tutorial.

Google: Create GKE Cluster

Here are the Google docs to create an GKE cluster:

Google: GCR Repo

For google, you do not have to create a repo. You simply push to the right repo url. Example:

export GOOGLE_PROJECT=project-123$GOOGLE_PROJECT/demo

Repo Variable

We’ll be using the $REPO variable for the rest of the tutorial.

Note: Though we’re using AWS and Google here, Kubes works with any Cloud Provider. Please adjust your commands and the $REPO variable for your cloud provider.